No Shoes, No Moves


Choosing Shoes for Healthy Feet


Our feet are the unsung heroes that get us to places. We always put our best foot forward in the hopes of gaining positive impressions. We should however, make this statement true, literally.
We should right away draw an inventory of all our shoes—which fit perfectly and which don't. Comfort should be as much an issue as aesthetics. If those pair of suede pumps looks ravishing but hurts like hell, sack them.
Women have a penchant for high heels. However, looking fabulous does indeed have its price. When we wear heels, we throw the center of gravity forward, thereby causing our body to tilt forward as well. We jeopardize the alignment of our joints and Achilles tendon and consequentially aid in their damage.
We should at the very least wear shoes with soft and resilient soles. Hopefully, these synthetic soles will absorb at least part of the seven tons of force we subject each of our foot to.
This is one of the considerations shoe manufacturers take into account when they design sports shoes. Can you imagine how much more stress we add to those seven tons of force whenever we run, hike or jump? This is why it is important that we do our homework and find the right shoes for our sports activities. There are shoes for every occasion and a shoe made for every foot. We should not be embarrassed to try on a pair before purchasing them. 
  1. We should get shoes with flexible soles and have good gripping surfaces.
  2. The insoles should be amply cushioned.
  3. Let's not make the mistake of settling for a slightly smaller size in the hopes that we will stretch them in time through wear.
  4. We should buy shoes late in the afternoon because by that time, they have naturally swollen to their optimum size.
  5. Each of our foot differs in size. We should buy shoes based on the bigger foot.

Regarding shoe construction, we should take the following into consideration:
  1. Leather is the best shoe material because it breathes and follows the curves of our feet.
  2. The inner sides of our shoes must be straight from our heels to the tip of our big toes.
  3. There must be enough room for us to wiggle our toes.
  4. Flats are still recommended over heeled shoes. 
  5. In cold climate areas, we should buy shoes that are fully insulated and not just the soles.
Now that we have the right foot wear, we need to have the right walk. Yes, it's true. There is indeed a proper way of walking!
Basically, when we walk our heels swing side-to-side, fall flat and resume the arched position. Unconsciously, we seek to minimize the impact of each touchdown by shifting the weight carried by our feet. During mid-stance or when our heels are already above the ground, the front and back of our feet should be perfectly aligned. The mechanics of walking is very intricate and much of it is really reflex and instinct.
We can see how wearing high heels can easily compromise our feet's alignment and arch. Our feet were not designed to balance on stilts. This is why as much as it is beautiful to wear 3-inch stilettos; what's more beautiful are healthy feet. This is a much better interpretation of putting our best foot forward. So Thats all our tips for now. thanks for visiting Shoes Your Step.

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